Making a Difference, One Act at a Time

Bennet and Bernard Corporate Social Responsibility

Rooney Marlee Animal Welfare Trust

Rooney Marlee Animal Welfare Trust (RMAWT) is the street animal welfare vertical of the Bennet and Bernard Group, under which all sorts of social causes are driven. Giving back to the society is an ethos of the company over the years, and the commitment to be the benchmark in every endeavour, pans this vertical too. Our support has spanned almost every animal welfare NGO in Goa, in small and big ways.

Rooney Marlee Animal Welfare trust has contributed to the creation of better cattery spaces in three NGOs for Animal Rescue Centre (Arc) Canacona, Goa Animal Welfare Trust (GAWT- Cuchorem) and People For Animal (PFA) Vasco.

The future of better street animal welfare lies in the reduction of stray pet population. Puppies or kittens have a dismal chance of survival on the streets, and if they do, are prone to several illnesses, and in some case just difficult lives. While communities have raised themselves to support stray pets, with growing numbers this is not scalable to sustain.  With this in the background, RMAWT strives to increase efforts in pet sterilisation efforts, lending funding support and being a strong operations partner with organisations like PFA, GAWT, WVS in collectively working towards street pet reduction.

Bennet and Bernard international ventures have a robust portfolio spanning various sectors, including Real Estate, Hospitality, Ports& Maritime, FMCG, Production, and beyond. With a rich legacy of persistent excellence, we are committed to creating value for our stakeholders while making a positive impact on communities worldwide.

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